20 Interesting Facts About Japan | Amazing Facts about Japan

20 Interesting Facts About Japan

Interesting Facts About Japan. Japan is an island country located in East Asia. It is bordered by the Sea of Japan to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east, and spans more than 3,000 kilometers along the coast of the continent from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Philippine Sea in the south. 

1. There are a total of 19 Nobel Prize winners from Japan.

2. The worlds shortest escalator is in Japan. And yes, it is used as well.
3. Fleeing motorists in Japan are shot by police with paintballs. This technique helps them to identify the defaulters easily.
4. Train stations in Japan have staff people to shove people into the trains because there are so much of passengers.
5. The post-war Japanese constitution has forbidden Japan from having an army. As a result of being unable to invest in the arms race, the central government has poured money into trains. In fact, many people have dubbed the bullet train (“shinkansen”) research as Japan’s space race.
6. Eating while walking is considered rude in Japan.
7. The unemployment rate in Japan is only 4%.
8. Japanese farmers produce square watermelons for the sake of ease of storing.1
9. About 8% of people adopted in Japan are between the age group of 20-30 years so that the family business stays within the family.I
10. In Japan, There are more than one million people known as “hikikomori” who have completely isolated themselves from society for years.
1121% of the Japanese population is elderly, the highest proportion in the world. Japan has more than 50,000 people who are over 100 years old.
12. In Japan there are more pets than children.
13.  Around 24 billion pairs of chopsticks are used in Japan each year. 
14. 685 kids were rushed to hospitals in Japan in 1997 after an intense pokemon episode that caused dizziness, vomiting, and seizures.
15. Japan is home to the Japanese macaque, or snow monkey, which lives in colder climates than other primates. The Nagano Prefecture is known for its macaques, who bathe in hot springs in the winter.
16. The world’s largest seafood market is the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo. The market employs over 60,000 people and opens at 3:00 am most mornings, with its famous wholesale tuna auctions beginning at five.
17. Japan will be hosting its second summer Olympics, and its fourth overall, in Tokyo in 2020. The motto for the Games is “Discover Tokyo,” and the mascot—chosen by Japanese schoolchildren—is a blue and white superhero who has the power to teleport.
18. Sushi And Sashimi Are From Japan
19. The national anthem of Japan is the shortest in the world.
20. Japan is home to many different forms of martial arts. Karate, Judo, Sumo, Ninjutsu, Kendo, Jujutsu, and Aikido to name a few.
These are the top 20 Interesting Facts About Japan

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