Top 20 Worst Jobs in the World | A9 Facts

Top 20 Worst Jobs in the World 

Everyone needs money to survive. One main source of earning is having a stable job. It’s always best to find a work you love and enjoy because this is what you will be dealing everyday of your life.
You may feel that your work is tiring and demands a lot of time and effort from you, but that is how things go when you are employed.
We just need to deal with our jobs and appreciate the good things about it.
These next 15 occupations below may make you realize that you are in a better working environment after all.
1. Crocodile Trainers

This may be one of the most dangerous job in the world. Being in the same room or shelter with these big bad crocs is already a threat to your life, what more if you kiss them, touch them or even put your head in their mouth? Your boss may have a big mouth but surely will not bite like crocodiles.

2. Guard at Buckingham Palace

It is a privilege to serve your Queen. For the Buckingham Palace guards, they will stand their post for hours without moving at all even smiling. Though the fine men may look silly and often times being ridiculed by tourists, the former are highly trained in combat and will quickly respond to any threat.

3. Janitor at Sperm Bank

Sperm bank floor can be messy and sticky at the same time and somebody has to clean it. It is the duty of the sperm bank janitor to make sure that the place is sanitized and the floor is dry and clean. Although donors are given cup to fill with their sperm, often times their semen manages to spill on the floor.

4. Crime Scene Cleaner

Crime scene is not limited to murder and homicide, it also includes crime that involves animals and chemical spills. This spots where such incidents happen are cleaned by crime scene cleaners. The cleaners are supposed to be in the area hours before the clearing operation. This is because they need to be aware of the situation in order for them to properly clean the place.

5. Embalmer

Embalming is the art of science that deals with preserving the human remains from decomposing. The embalmer is the person who cleans the corpse, drain all body fluid, take out internal organs and stuff the cadaver with fillers and air to make it look as if nothing was taken out. Chemicals are also used to prevent or delay decomposition of the remains. Seeing a dead body is unpleasant for many and exposure to the said articles above is a health hazard.

6. Roadkill Collector

These people do not collect dead animals on the highway but they are the one in charge of cleaning the streets from road kill. It is a 24 hour job and on call especially on places where large critters usually cross the road.

7. Portable Restroom Cleaner

These brave men are equipped with a strong vacuum to get rid of all those poo in portable toilets. That is the easier part of the job, what is harder is to clean the feces on the floor that spilled due to overflow or just carelessness of the users.

8. Stable Cleaner

Horse dirt smells far more foul than human stool and horses does move their bowel a lot. For stable cleaners, they don't have vacuums to get rid of all the horse litter rather the former uses shovel to clean after the horses. This is done on a daily basis.

9. Manure Inspector

Manure is an animal waste used as fertilizer. The job of manure inspectors is to make sure that the feces is free from contaminants that may spread in the field or the consumers. This line of work exposes the person to a lot of bacterial contamination which makes this profession hazardous.

10. Pet Food Tester

Yes! There are people whose work is testing cat food by touching, smelling and eating. The mere thought of eating cat food may disgust a lot of people but don't you know that these cat treats are backed with research and studies. It is packed will all the nutrients a cat needs to be healthy and since cats cannot talk or write to evaluate a product, a person is getting paid to do it instead.

11. Odour Tester

Do not laugh at this job. Though their daily activity is to test odor by literally smelling items from perfume to nail polish to armpits, these people are scientists. They go to the laboratory to do their science and then test its purpose. A good example is a deodorant they are designing. The best way to test its effectiveness is to be used by a person and then sniff the result.

12. Grass Seed Analyst

This job sounds so technical and it is but what they basically do is they watch grass grow. Why is it important to observe the development of grass? Some grass grow too fast that their root are damaged. Some grass does not grow at all because of disease. Though this work may look and sound boring, there are those who spend a lot on grass like golf course owners who buy good quality of grass.

13. Mosquito Researcher

You may have already guessed the hard part of this field of work. These scientists use their skin as bait for the mosquitoes to bite on. After which, the insect is placed in a tube to be studied. Imagine the discomfort of being bitten by a number of mosquitoes for the sake of science.

14. Animal Masturbator

There are times when semen from an animal is needed for fertilization or study. The animal masturbator's job is to extract sperm from the animal for its purpose. Sometimes the process is done manually or with electrical stimulator.

15. Manual Sewer Cleaner

This happens mostly in India. The laborer would barely go down a sewer, sometimes without protection, to clean it. The sewer can be chest deep and is being cleaned manually by the person. This puts the person at risk for all the microorganisms that is present. He will be paid $5 per day and a bottle of liquor.

16. Garbage Collector

Many garbage collectors have the tough job of collecting trash from each street corner by working for long shifts and also ensure that they do not get hit by the raging traffic while working out in the street. This is also the main reason why trash collecting is ranked as one of the toughest and high paying dangerous jobs in the world.

17. Proctologist

Proctologists are defined as professionals who deal with the malfunctioning of the rectum, stomach and the colon. They are one of the highest-paid medical jobs or professions.

18. Coal Miners

Coal mining is also one of the most dangerous professions present these days. This has occupational hazards that can even claim the lives of their employees.

19. Oil Rig Worker

The life of an oil rig worker can be very harsh and tiring since their whole work-life includes living in an offshore oil rig structure in the middle of the sea and also working long 12 hours a day and being subjected to intense heat.

20. Dumpster Washer

To finish off the list we’ll throw in another job that you’ve probably never heard of. Dumpsters, even though they’re home to all of our trash, still need cleaning out. If they don’t get cleaned out, mold and infectious material can gather and over time can become harmful. The stench alone would probably be enough to drive a sane man to do crazy things. But just imagine if that month old sandwich or cream made its way onto your arm. You probably wouldn’t be too happy.

The 20 jobs mentioned above may be fulfilling for some but majority would choose another work instead of those. You may be trapped in your employment right now and thinking that you are ill-fated.

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